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We are the only lifestyle brand dedicated to inspiring a culture of curiosity by challenging our audience to explore the world around them.

Media Kit

By the numbers


Of our audience is multicultural


Monthly viewers


Of our audience is 18-34 years old


Total audience reach across platforms
Treo Media Kit

Our reach around the world

Countries available to stream Treo

Our audiences

Numbers only tell part of the story. Our audience is united by their desire to explore the dynamic, diverse world around them—and they want to have a positive impact on the planet, our culture and our lives. Our goal is to inspire this audience to explore Arts, Culture, Cuisines. Destinations and Live performances from around the world.

Drop us a line to harness the power of this increasingly diverse audience, including unique opportunities to engage with our growing Treo community and, our most engaged consumers.

Audience engaged on Social Media
Audience who are multi-lingual

Premium Content

Align brand message with live and on-demand arts, entertainment, sports, and growing platforms around the world. Treo Studios is partnered with creators to connect them with brands.

Impactful Experience

Bring your brand to life with immersive, full-screen video. Our ad experience captures viewer attention and drives engagement on OTT, mobile and desktop screens.

Engaged Audiences

Connect with our growing monthly active viewers who are tuning in to our dynamic content and stay engaged for an average of 60+ minutes per session and 12+ hours total per month.

Audience Insights

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Engagement Insights

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Building strong relationships

Ad Solutions

Custom Integrated Commercials

A custom video solution that is strategically developed to elevate a brand’s value and objectives by spotlighting it within the world of Treo Studios content eco-system. This custom co-branded execution is proven to resonate with target audiences by delivering contextually relevant creative and messaging.

Impact Spotlight

A Spotlight sponsorship gives advertisers a high-impact opportunity that enables them to amplify their messages and drive impact awareness during telecasts to give them outstanding reach to targeted audiences.

Custom Slate

Our Custom Slate leverages a brand’s existing video assets to develop a custom section slate that will run as the first video in pre-roll, priming viewers for the commercial to follow before starting their live or replay content. The video is accompanied by intro text and “presented by” voice over.

Ad Select

Ad Select allows the viewer to control their ad experience by choosing the ad they want to see. The viewer will be presented with two or three video options. Once a selection is made, the viewer will be presented with the commercial of their choice or, an ad creative will automatically play.

Interactive Interstitual

The Interactive Interstitial is a rich media unit that runs with or in place of a video commercial across devices, enabling greater interaction within the player. Examples of interactive interstitials on platforms include photo galleries, video overlay, quizzes, and polls.

Brand Select

The Branded Entertainment Selector allows the viewer to control their ad experience during video playback by choosing whether to watch a long-form commercial, or to view the show with standard commercial breaks, giving users an outstanding user experience bacross platforms.
Unparalleled Fan Connections

Connect brands to fans

  • Reach unique viewers with targeted Ads
  • Target viewers within specific markets
  • Maximize brand awareness with high-impact integrations
  • Align brands with new episodes of series, and live events.
  • Increase revenue with ad insertion
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